The other day I had an appointment and came home to the girls running around dodging Daddy. He plays this game with them where he will sit on the couch and they will run around and he will chuck the couch pillows at them, not toss but literally the object is to knock them over.
OK well this time he was throwing balls at them. I assumed they were their little foamy balls but no it was a plastic golf ball. He accidentally hit me and it stung so bad as I immediately flung a glare at him. There was a red mark on my head; I can't imagine what kind of imprint it will leave on the girls.
They laugh hysterically when they get hit. My thought is they don't really feel it with all the adrenaline they have surging threw them!
"Steve, do you really think it is smart in any way to teach them to chuck things, especially hard things, at each other?"
Honestly, how is this story going to end???
I'm waiting....
And of course I'll let you know.
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