Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's Always Ball in the House

I never sleep in even though I LOVE it but yesterday I was so exhausted that I refused to get up.  Steve took the girls downstairs and kept them entertained. 
How? You ask.
Well I heard lots of giggles and cups being knocked over.  I was smiling at the sound of happiness until it dawned on me that we don't have as many balls as what sounded like were being thrown to knock these pins aka cups down so I headed downstairs.
They were using grapefruits....

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I have Nothing to say About This....

OK that's not true, I do have something to say.  When I came home and saw this I shook my head and was about to get annoyed when I realized at least he put more butter in the dish after he finished it.  Next step, how to properly put butter in a butter dish.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Throwing Game

The other day I had an appointment and came home to the girls running around dodging Daddy.  He plays this game with them where he will sit on the couch and they will run around and he will chuck the couch pillows at them, not toss but literally the object is to knock them over.
OK well this time he was throwing balls at them.  I assumed they were their little foamy balls but no it was a plastic golf ball.  He accidentally hit me and it stung so bad as I immediately flung a glare at him.  There was a red mark on my head; I can't imagine what kind of imprint it will leave on the girls.
They laugh hysterically when they get hit.  My thought is they don't really feel it with all the adrenaline they have surging threw them!
"Steve, do you really think it is smart in any way to teach them to chuck things, especially hard things, at each other?"
Honestly, how is this story going to end???
I'm waiting....
And of course I'll let you know.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Log

I'm trying to get some work done when L walks in and asks me if I've seen H's log?  H's Log?  What are you talking about?  She says her poop log!  So I walk into the bathroom and sure enough she is pooping away.  They must have been discussing it because there is a chair in there along with a roll of toilet paper wrapped in a ball. L explained to me I was going to need it for such a big log. 
Yes, sure enough there is quite a log in the toilet.
H gets up and assumes the usual postion for me to wipe and L says eww there's a turd, which there wasn't.  Then she says how gross she is and runs off.
I'm not really sure why L is calling H gross when she is the master pooper.
I'm pretty sure all these poop, log and turd conversations are a result of their Daddy.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Hanger

As Steve was getting ready for work I told him I was feeling very anxious.  He asked the standard why?  (he can usually help me work it out) I said I'm sure it's not the main reason but this house is a mess.  As I am saying this he steps on a hanger and instead of picking it up he kicks it behind him.
I just looked at him and said most adults would have picked it up.
He instantly started laughing and I just shook my head and walked away proving my point without saying a word.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Drinking From the Carton

I came around the corner this morning and was able to capture this.  She was helping me get the morning milk. Need I say anything else? ERG