Thursday, January 24, 2013

Can Your Man Listen?

Just when I thought things were getting boring or less annoying things like this happen. 

I'm a woman.  I'm a wife.  I'm a mother.  You add this together and you come up with nag...apparently.  I tend to err on the side of neat and clean while Steve is the opposite.  He claims no one can ever possibly be "Kerry" clean but I disagree; argument for another time.

The other difference is I know I can't focus unless I'm looking at the person talking and if they are going to talk for long you are going to have a very spaced out looking Kerry 30 minutes in.  That is my max.  I can, however, multitask like a champ.  Steve...cannot. 

This is an ongoing argument.  He claims he is listening but he isn't and usually an argument breaks out.  Today didn't end in the usual way.

Having a snow day threw me off my game and I was desperately  trying to get a few things done for work before Steve left.

I am going to insert a photo here.

When I left the bedroom to find Steve there was only the basket on the chair....NOTHING ELSE.  I asked Steve to get the girls and in the basket on the chair were their undergarments and socks.  Please everyone get theirs out and put them away.  I put all the clothes away already.

That was it.  Simple task.  When I walked in I knew that the pile on the floor was the dirty clothes.  How did I know that?  Because I had been putting them in the hamper for 2 days as I found them on the floor.

This was amazing to me so I went into the office and asked Steve what he thought I said.  He thought I asked him to dump the dirty clothes on the floor by the basket.

Why would I ask you to do that? I have never in my life asked something like that.  I always carry the hamper to the laundry room.  Whatever!  And the kicker was how he left the hamper.

Was it really that difficult to put back on? In this instance I was glad for his "laziness" as I had my hands full putting the dirty clothes back:)

So as it stands he can't multi-task and he doesn't listen and now I have proof....BOOYA!!


  1. OMG, totally my life. Ihad an entire convo w/ Nick last night about what "we" (aka I) were picking out for his sister's baby shower. Went through the process, finished the purchase, and told him we were all set. An hour later: "Hey, did you ever get them anything?" Seriously? Seriously?!! Men! :)

    1. OMG THAT IS HILARIOUS! I guess it's in the gene!
