Saturday, August 18, 2012

This is Embarrassing

I'm embarrassed to write this but it is funny.  So funny that when I tried to yell at Steve I kept laughing because I can't believe what an idiot he is sometimes, and I mean that lovingly. 

We were playing memory with the girls (using the candy land cards which is a great idea- the chances of getting a match are higher and they are too young to focus on the actual candy land game).

OK I'm digressing.  We make a big high-fiving deal every time someone gets a match; like a big team high-five, well dumba** thought the girls weren't looking so he high-fived my chest.

I looked at him like he was an idiot.  I didn't think the girls saw until the next match was found and H high-fived my chest.

How am I going to explain this at school?

H to teacher: when we do something great at home we high-five Mommy in her boobies.

Steve's justification is that I should be flattered after all these years together he is still doing things like this....

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